Section 127.2815 – Placement of child during investigation; notice and placement of child upon completion of investigation

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Nevada

1. Pending completion of the required investigation, the child must be:

(a) Retained by the natural parent; or
(b) Placed by the natural parent with the agency which provides child welfare services or child-placing agency and placed by the agency which provides child welfare services or child-placing agency in a foster home licensed pursuant to NRS 424.030, until a determination is made concerning the suitability of the prospective adoptive parents.
2. Upon completion of the investigation, the agency which provides child welfare services or child-placing agency shall forthwith inform the natural parent, the person recommending the placement and the prospective adoptive parents of the decision to approve or deny the placement. If the prospective adoptive home is found:

(a) Suitable, the natural parent may execute a consent to a specific adoption pursuant to NRS 127.053, if not previously executed, and then the child may be placed in the home of the prospective adoptive parents for the purposes of adoption.
(b) Unsuitable or detrimental to the interest of the child, the agency which provides child welfare services or child-placing agency shall file an application in the district court for an order prohibiting the placement. If the court determines that the placement should be prohibited, the court may nullify the written consent to the specific adoption and order the return of the child to the care and control of the parent who executed the consent, but if the parental rights of the parent have been terminated by a relinquishment or a final order of a court of competent jurisdiction or if the parent does not wish to accept the child, then the court may order the placement of the child with the agency which provides child welfare services or a child-placing agency for adoption.

NRS 127.2815

Added to NRS by 1993, 69 [Ch. 42]; A 1993, 2732 [Ch. 640]; 2001 Special Session, 11 [Ch. 7]; 2003, 236 [Ch. 2]
Added to NRS by 1993, 69; A 1993, 2732; 2001 Special Session, 11; 2003, 236