Section 131.805 – Authority to employ special agents

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Oregon

The Governor may employ, at such salaries as the Governor deems reasonable for the services rendered, special agents to effect the apprehension and conviction of criminals, the return of fugitives from justice, the investigation of cases in which the Governor believes the laws of the state are being violated, the supervision of persons paroled or conditionally pardoned from the Department of Corrections or the collection of evidence in any case, civil or criminal, in which the state is interested whenever in the judgment of the Governor it is necessary from the conditions existing in any case, whenever the Governor is convinced that criminals are likely to escape punishment and justice cannot be done by the regularly constituted authorities of any county of the state or of the state or whenever any emergency has arisen which in the judgment of the Governor would justify the Governor so doing.

ORS 131.805

Formerly 148.010; 1987 c.320 ยง17