Section 131A.025 – Consensual search of motor vehicle; required notice

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Oregon

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, property that is seized solely on the basis of a consensual search of a motor vehicle is not subject to forfeiture unless, before obtaining the consent of a person for the search, the person is provided with written, multilingual notice of the right of the person to refuse to consent to the search. The notice shall include at least the following information:

(a) Notice that the person has a right to refuse to consent to a search.
(b) Notice that a refusal to consent to a search cannot be used against the person for any purpose.
(c) Notice that anything found in the search can be seized as evidence of a crime or can be seized for forfeiture.
(2) A notice or consent form under this section shall be considered multilingual if the notice or form provides information in at least English and Spanish.

ORS 131A.025

2009 c. 78, ยง 5