Section 133.605 – Use of force in executing warrants

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Oregon

(1) The executing officer and other officers accompanying and assisting the officer may use the degree of force, short of deadly physical force, against persons, or to effect an entry, or to open containers, as is reasonably necessary for the execution of the search warrant with all practicable safety.
(2) The use of deadly physical force in the execution of a search warrant is justifiable only:

(a) If the officer reasonably believes that there is a substantial risk that things to be seized will be used to cause death or serious physical injury if their seizure is delayed and that the force used creates no substantial risk of injury to persons other than those obstructing the officer; or
(b) If the officer reasonably believes that the use of deadly physical force is necessary to defend the officer or another person from the use or threatened imminent use of deadly physical force.

ORS 133.605

1973 c.836 ยง89