Section 14-05-25 – Security for alimony – Disposition of homestead

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, North Dakota

The court may require either party to give reasonable security for providing maintenance or making any payments required under the provisions of this chapter and may enforce the same by appointment of a receiver or by any other remedy applicable to the case. When either the husband or the wife has a separate estate sufficient to give a proper support, the court in its discretion may withhold any allowance to that person out of the separate property of the other spouse. The court, in rendering the decree of divorce, may assign the homestead or such part thereof as to the court may seem just, to the innocent party, either absolutely or for a limited period, according to the facts in the case and in consonance with the law relating to homesteads. The disposition of the homestead by the court, and all orders and decrees touching the alimony and maintenance of either party to a marriage and for the custody, education, and support of the children are subject to revision on appeal in all particulars, including those which are stated to be in the discretion of the court.

N.D.C.C. ยง 14-05-25