Section 20-6-202 – Definitions

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Wyoming

(a) As used in this act:

(i) “Arrearage” means past due child support, past due medical support, past due spousal support, attorneys fees, guardian ad litem fees, costs, interest and penalties but does not include property settlements;
(ii) “Child” means any person with respect to whom a support order, other than an order for spousal support, exists;
(iii) “Clerk” means, for the purpose of receipt, distribution and disbursement of child support, the clerk of the district court in this state where the income withholding order is entered, or where mandated by law, the state disbursement unit;
(iv) “Court” means any district court in this state;
(v) “Delinquency” means arrearage;
(vi) “Disposable income” means income as defined under paragraph (a)(ix) of this section less personal income taxes, social security and Medicare deductions, cost of dependent health care coverage for all dependent children and mandatory pension deductions;
(vii) “Department” means the department of family services;
(viii) “Employer” means any person who owes income to an obligor, including but not limited to the United States government, the state of Wyoming, any unit of local government and any school district;
(ix) “Income” means any form of payment or return in money or in kind to an individual, regardless of source. Income includes, but is not limited to wages, earnings, salary, commission, compensation as an independent contractor, temporary total disability, permanent partial disability and permanent total disability worker’s compensation payments, unemployment compensation, disability, annuity and retirement benefits and any other payments made by any payor;
(x) “Income withholding order” means a court’s or an administrative order requiring a payor to withhold income due an obligor for payment to the obligee in accordance with this act;
(xi) “Notice to payor” means the notice provided to the employer pursuant to the income withholding order;
(xii) “Obligee” means any person entitled to receive support under an order of support and includes the agency of this or another jurisdiction to which a person has assigned his right to support;
(xiii) “Obligor” means a person owing a duty of support;
(xiv) “Payor” means any employer or other person owing income to an obligor;
(xv) “Support order” means any order entered by a court or tribunal of this or another state, or of a tribal court, which provides for payment for the support of a child and includes medical support and spousal support, but excludes property settlements;
(xvi) Repealed By Laws 2000, Ch. 2, ยง 2.
(xvii) “Uniform income withholding order and notice to payor” means the federally approved uniform income withholding order and notice to payor;
(xviii) “State disbursement unit” means the clerks of district court collectively or the single address location established pursuant to W.S. 20-6-210(d). The state disbursement unit is the entity for receiving, distributing and disbursing child support payments;
(xix) “This act” means W.S. W.S. 20-6-201 through 20-6-222.

W.S. 20-6-202