Section 29-214.01 – Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse; Nebraska State Patrol; powers and duties

May 13, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Nebraska

(1) The Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse is established within the Nebraska State Patrol. The Nebraska State Patrol shall provide for the administration of the clearinghouse and may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this section.
(2) The Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse shall be used by all law enforcement agencies in the state as a central repository for information on missing persons. Such information shall be provided on a uniform form prescribed by the Nebraska State Patrol.
(3) In connection with the Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse, the Nebraska State Patrol shall:

(a) Collect, process, maintain, and disseminate information about missing persons in Nebraska through hard copy or electronic means;
(b) Develop training programs for law enforcement agencies concerning the appropriate procedures to report missing persons to the clearinghouse;
(c) Cooperate with other states and the National Crime Information Center in the exchange of information on missing persons;
(d) Maintain a statewide, toll-free telephone line, twenty-four hours a day, to receive and disseminate information related to missing persons;
(e) Maintain an Internet web site accessible to law enforcement agencies and to the public with information on missing persons and with information about the resources available through the clearinghouse. Nothing in this section shall prevent the Nebraska State Patrol from establishing a separate link accessible only to law enforcement agencies for the dissemination and collection of sensitive information as determined by the Nebraska State Patrol;
(f) Develop training programs to assist in the prevention of kidnapping;
(g) Maintain a registry of prevention and education materials and programs regarding missing and runaway minors through hard copy or electronic means;
(h) Distribute through hard copy or electronic means monthly missing persons bulletins to local law enforcement agencies and to other interested individuals, agencies, and media outlets which request such information. The bulletins shall contain information on missing persons in Nebraska, including names, photographs or other images, if available, descriptions of missing persons, the law enforcement agencies or persons to contact with information regarding missing persons, and the names of persons reported missing whose locations have been determined and confirmed;
(i) Produce, update at least weekly, and distribute, through hard copy or electronic means, press releases about missing persons to media outlets which request missing person information, containing the same or similar information contained in the monthly missing persons bulletin;
(j) Compile statistics relating to the incidence of missing persons within Nebraska; and
(k) Encourage and seek both financial and in-kind support from private individuals and organizations to assist in carrying out the provisions of this section.
(4) The purpose of the Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse is to serve as a repository. The clearinghouse does not relieve the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over a missing person case of its investigatory duties and does not automatically involve the Nebraska State Patrol as the primary investigatory agency in such case.
(5) The Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse shall be notified after the location of a missing person has been determined and confirmed. After the location of a missing person has been determined and confirmed, the clearinghouse shall only release information described in subdivision (3)(h) of this section concerning the located person. Other information concerning the history of the missing person case shall be disclosed only to law enforcement agencies of this state and other jurisdictions when necessary for the discharge of official duties, and to the juvenile court in the county of residence of a formerly missing person who is a minor. All information in the clearinghouse relating to a missing person who is an adult shall be purged when the person’s location has been determined and confirmed. All information in the clearinghouse relating to a missing person who is a minor shall be purged when the person reaches eighteen years of age and the person’s location has been determined and confirmed.

Neb. Rev. Stat. § 29-214.01

Laws 2005, LB 111, § 4.