Section 3107.018 – Application to state adoption assistance loan fund

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Ohio

(A) A prospective adoptive parent may apply to the department of job and family services for a loan from the state adoption assistance loan fund created under section 5101.143 of the Revised Code. Subject to available funds, the department may approve a state adoption assistance loan application, in whole or in part, or deny the application. In reviewing a loan application submitted to the department, the department shall consider the financial need of the prospective adoptive parent in determining whether to approve a loan application, in whole or in part, or deny the application. If the department approves a loan application, in whole or in part, and the child being adopted resides in Ohio, the department shall loan a prospective adoptive parent not more than three thousand dollars from the state adoption assistance loan fund. If the department approves a loan application, in whole or in part, and the child being adopted does not reside in Ohio, the department shall loan a prospective adoptive parent not more than two thousand dollars from the state adoption assistance loan fund.
(B) A prospective adoptive parent who receives a loan under division (A) of this section shall use that loan for only a disbursement listed under division (C) of section 3107.055 of the Revised Code or an expense related to adopting from the public child welfare system.
(C) This section applies to adoptions arranged by an attorney or by any public or private organization certified, licensed, or otherwise specially empowered by law or rule to place minors for adoption.

R.C. ยง 3107.018

Effective Date: 2008 HB562 06-24-2008 .