Section 46b-161 – (Formerly Sec. 52-438a). Procedure in action brought by expectant mother

May 15, 2021 | Connecticut, Family Law

In the case of any such petition brought prior to the birth of the child, no final trial on the issue of paternity shall be had, except as to hearing on probable cause, until after the birth of the child. In such hearing on probable cause the court, on the day on which the defendant has been summoned to appear, shall determine whether probable cause exists, and if so, the court shall order the defendant to become bound to the complainant, with surety to appear on a date certain for final determination, or further continuance as circumstances may then require.

Conn. Gen. Stat. ยง 46b-161

(1967, P.A. 520, S. 2.)

Annotation to former section 52-438a: Cited. 165 Conn. 33. Annotations to present section: Cited. 188 Conn. 354; 194 Conn. 52; 224 Conn. 29.