Section 46b-176 – (Formerly Sec. 52-443). Continued liability of person committed for failure to comply with order

May 15, 2021 | Connecticut, Family Law

No person committed to a community correctional center for failure to comply with an order of the court as provided in sections 46b-160, 46b-162 and 46b-171, or any of them, shall be entitled to any of the privileges allowed other prisoners on civil process, or to take the oath provided for poor debtors, within six months from the date of such commitment, but shall be kept at hard labor during such six months; and the mother of such child, the state or the town chargeable with its support may, at any time after the liberation of such prisoner, or after his taking said oath, recover the sum or sums due from him in pursuance of such order of court.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 46b-176

(1949 Rev., S. 8184; 1957, P.A. 462, S. 5; 1969, P.A. 297.)

Annotations to former section 52-443: Cited. 128 C. 319; 165 Conn. 33; 169 Conn. 66; 170 Conn. 367. Complaint must at least allege facts from which demand can be implied. 4 CS 396. Section is mandatory and leaves no discretion with the committing court. 12 CS 65. Cited. 20 Conn.Supp. 350. Annotation to present section: Cited. 188 Conn. 354.