Section 52-279 – When attachments may be granted

May 11, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Connecticut

Attachments may be granted upon all complaints containing a money demand against the estate of the defendant, both real and personal. No attachment shall be made in any action for slander, libel or invasion of privacy except upon order of the court to which the writ is made returnable. No attachment shall be made against the real or personal property of any municipal official in any action against the municipality or its officials acting within the scope of their authority except upon order of the court to which the writ is returnable. No attachment shall be made against the real or personal property of a member of the state or any municipal police force in an action involving his conduct as a policeman except (1) when such policeman has been dismissed from the police force of which he was a member at the time of the incident which gave rise to the action, or (2) upon order of the court to which the writ is returnable. No attachment shall be made against the real or personal property of any member, teacher or employee, as defined in section 10-235, of any board of education, the Board of Regents for Higher Education or governing board of any state institution of higher education, in any action against any board or commission as defined in said section or against any such member, teacher or employee involving his conduct as such member, teacher or employee, or against any member of any other appointed or elected municipal board or commission in any action against such board or commission or against such member involving his conduct as such member, except upon order of the court to which the writ is returnable. No attachment shall be made against the real or personal property of any Connecticut canine control officer or regional Connecticut canine control officer, appointed under the provisions of section 22-328, in any action against any such officer involving his conduct as such officer except upon order of the court to which the writ is returnable.

Conn. Gen. Stat. ยง 52-279

(1949 Rev., S. 8022; 1951, S. 3192d; 1959, P.A. 172; 1967, P.A. 275, S. 2; 679; 837; 1969, P.A. 505; 1972, P.A. 4; 201, S. 2; P.A. 73-495; P.A. 77-573, S. 24, 30; P.A. 81-410, S. 7; P.A. 82-218, S. 37, 49; P.A. 84-241, S. 2, 5; P.A. 11-48, S. 285.)

When fraud complaint not amendable by adding count in contract. 63 Conn. 370. Validity of attachment cannot control the judgment to be rendered on the facts alleged and proved. 68 C. 471; 77 Conn. 347. None allowed in equitable proceeding not claiming damages. 75 C. 191. History and nature of process. 84 C. 622; 85 Conn. 573; 90 Conn. 570; 109 C. 434. Offer of stranger to pay debt will not defeat right. 76 C. 515. Colorable or fraudulent transfer of property will not prevent. 68 C. 389; 84 C. 682; 85 C. 698; 101 C. 565. Attachment of body when property put out of reach. 74 C. 671; 81 Conn. 626; 84 C. 628. Equitable interests as subject to. 71 C. 154; 76 Conn. 528; 83 C. 355. But not interests so uncertain as not to be salable on execution; 71 C. 149; nor property in the hands of receiver. 66 C. 350; 71 C. 345. Law subjects all property to attachment as far as possible. 85 C. 67. But alimony is not property. 102 C. 708. Public policy does not prevent attachment of property of street railway company. 89 C. 59. Personal property sold but not delivered still subject to attachment against seller; 72 C. 509; 74 C. 146; 86 Conn. 372; even though sold on condition; 70 Conn. 505; 77 C. 38; 86 Conn. 372; or colorable delivery made; 68 Conn. 389; 86 Conn. 372; 101 Conn. 565; but rule applies only to tangible property; 87 C. 601; as to mortgaged personal property. 72 C. 510; 77 C. 370; 101 Conn. 565. Cited. 71 C. 154; 72 Conn. 159. Application of state law to procedure in federal court. 73 Conn. 154. Interest of tenant in common or of partner in goods is attachable. 68 C. 16; 71 C. 698. Attachment where lease gives tenant right to replace property; 80 C. 14; of stock of nonresident in local corporation. 84 C. 618. Attachment of body of one brought wrongfully within the jurisdiction is void. 85 Conn. 327. In divorce action; effect as regards order for periodic payments of alimony. 94 C. 284. Limitations on attachment of body. 105 C. 683. Review of history of law regarding attachment of real estate. 109 Conn. 434. Alimony may not be attached. 102 Conn. 708. History of statutes re body attachments; limited to tort actions brought under Sec. 52-562 and to contract actions specified in Sec. 52-355. 111 C. 228. Does not limit power to reduce attachments under Secs. 52-301 and 52-302. 141 C. 176. Cited. Id., 407. The word “estate” renders liable for attachment certain legal and equitable interests in property which are within the debtor’s control though legal title may be in another. 142 C. 320. Attachment of joint tenancy with right of survivorship does not in itself produce a severance but the execution levy, at least upon a sale, does. 146 C. 332. Cited. 162 C. 256. Second mortgagee has no standing to challenge the constitutionality of section in attempt to invalidate attachments prior to his mortgage rights. 168 C. 43. Cited. 28 Conn.App. 809; 32 Conn.App. 118. Cited. 12 CS 106; 16 CS 95. Where body attachment is made, defendant cannot remain silent and later claim that officer failed to find property open to attachment. Id., 242. No distinction is to be drawn between slander and slander of title. 23 CS 282. When attachment invalid under complaint containing several causes of action. 29 CS 324. Distinguished from Sec. 52-369. 35 CS 130. Cited. 36 Conn.Supp. 47.