Section 52-332 – Corporation as garnishee; disclosure; nonappearance

May 11, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Connecticut

If any corporation made a garnishee and cited in to disclose was not indebted to, and had no effects of, the defendant in its possession when the complaint was served upon it, it need not appear before the court to disclose, provided it shall cause the affidavit of its treasurer or its paymaster stating such fact to be filed in such court on the return day of the complaint. If such affidavit is so filed and the plaintiff brings a scire facias against such corporation upon a judgment rendered against the defendant in the complaint, and it is found on the trial that the corporation was not indebted to the defendant and that it did not have his effects in its possession at the time of the service of the complaint, judgment shall be for the corporation to recover its costs.

Conn. Gen. Stat. ยง 52-332

(1949 Rev., S. 8077.)

Cited. 6 Conn. Cir. Ct. 53.