Section 93-17-25 – Proceedings and records confidential; use in court or administrative proceedings

May 13, 2021 | Family Law, Mississippi

All proceedings under this chapter shall be confidential and shall be held in closed court without admittance of any person other than the interested parties, except upon order of the court. All pleadings, reports, files and records pertaining to adopting proceedings shall be confidential and shall not be public records and shall be withheld from inspection or examination by any person, except upon order of the court in which the proceeding was had on good cause shown.

Upon motion of any interested person, the files of adoption proceedings, heretofore had may be placed in the confidential files upon order of the court or chancellor and shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter.

Provided, however, that notwithstanding the confidential nature of said proceedings, said record shall be available for use in any court or administrative proceedings under a subpoena duces tecum addressed to the custodian of said records and portions of such record may be released pursuant to Sections 93-17-201 through 93-17-223.

Miss. Code § 93-17-25

Codes, 1942, § 1269-07; Laws, 1955, Ex. ch. 34, § 7; Laws, 1992, ch. 306, § 15, eff. 7/1/1992.