(1) The court shall require a minor who is the subject of a hearing for appointment of a guardian to attend the hearing and allow the minor to participate in the hearing unless the court determines, by clear and convincing evidence presented at the hearing or at a separate hearing, that:
(a) The minor consistently and repeatedly refused to attend the hearing after being fully informed of the right to attend and, if the minor is fourteen (14) years of age or older, the potential consequences of failing to do so;(b) There is no practicable way for the minor to attend the hearing;(c) The minor lacks the ability or maturity to participate meaningfully in the hearing; or(d) Attendance would be harmful to the minor.(2) Unless excused by the court for good cause shown, the person proposed to be appointed as guardian for a minor must attend a hearing for appointment of a guardian.(3) Each parent of a minor who is the subject of a hearing for appointment of a guardian has the right to attend the hearing.