Section 967.08 – Telephone proceedings

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Wisconsin

(1) Unless good cause to the contrary is shown, proceedings referred to in this section may be conducted by telephone or live audiovisual means, if available. If the proceeding is required to be reported under (2), the proceeding shall be reported by a court reporter who is in simultaneous voice communication with all parties to the proceeding. Regardless of the physical location of any party to the call, any plea, waiver, stipulation, motion, objection, decision, order or other action taken by the court or any party shall have the same effect as if made in open court. With the exceptions of scheduling conferences, pretrial conferences, and, during hours the court is not in session, setting, review, modification of bail and other conditions of release under ch. 969, the proceeding shall be conducted in a courtroom or other place reasonably accessible to the public. Simultaneous access to the proceeding shall be provided to persons entitled to attend by means of a loudspeaker or, upon request to the court, by making a person party to the telephone call without charge.
(2) The court may permit the following proceedings to be conducted under sub. (1) on the request of either party. The request and the opposing party’s showing of good cause for not conducting the proceeding under sub. (1) may be made by telephone.

(a) Initial appearance under s. 970.01.
(b) Waiver of preliminary examination under s. 970.03, competency hearing under s. 971.14(4) or jury trial under s. 972.02(1).
(c) Motions for extension of time under ss. 970.03(2), 971.10 or other statutes.
(d) Arraignment under s. 971.05, if the defendant intends to plead not guilty or to refuse to plead.
(3) Non-evidentiary proceedings on the following matters may be conducted under sub. (1) on request of either party. The request and the opposing party’s showing of good cause for not conducting the proceeding under sub. (1) may be made by telephone.

(a) Setting, review and modification of bail and other conditions of release under ch. 969.
(b) Motions for severance under s. 971.12(3) or consolidation under s. 971.12(4).
(c) Motions for testing of physical evidence under s. 971.23(5) or for protective orders under s. 971.23(6).
(d) Motions under s. 971.31 directed to the sufficiency of the complaint or the affidavits supporting the issuance of a warrant for arrest or search.
(e) Motions in limine, including those under s. 972.11(2) (b).
(f) Motions to postpone, including those under s. 971.29.

Wis. Stat. ยง 967.08

Sup. Ct. Order, 141 Wis. 2d xii (1987); 1987 a. 403; Sup. Ct. Order, 158 Wis. 2d xvii (1990); 1995 a. 27, 387; 1997 a. 252.